I could have sworn I read more than four books in March, but the month just flew by so I guess I didn't. Still, it was yet another great month for the books! :) the bf got loads of birthday presents this time around. Nothing too extravagant, he's a pretty simple guy. He was happy with the many video games, movies and clothes he got. I went to San Diego early March for what was my first time and I fell in love! I went with some of the ladies from NFLFemale (a sports site where I write about my beloved Philadelphia Eagles). We're definitely going back again-- whether it be a family trip or a football game, I don't care, but we're going! We also took our kids to Santa Monica for their first time and they had a blast! For Easter, we joined in on an egg hunt which was fun and odd at the same time. Later n the month, the bf and I had a rare date night so we watched Batman vs Superman, which I wasn't too impressed with, but those few hours of alone time was pretty awesome. And another exciting thing we just started doing is rearranging our apartment. Spring Cleaning Round 2, we call it, but this time much more thorough. As in walls getting painted, furniture being thrown out and bought, that kind of thing. We just got started and we still have a ways to go, but we did the kids' room first and it came out AMAZING so I'm excited about this new project. Change is always good :)
In terms of reading, I thought I did pretty good. It wasn't a lot of books, but for the most part, I enjoyed each book I read. Nora & Kettle by Lauren Nicolle Taylor became one of my favorite reads so far this year and Start with the Backbeat by Garine B. Isassi was my least favorite for the month (all my reviews have been posted, so make sure you check those out for more of my thoughts).
I received a lot of books that I requested from NetGalley, which I'm really excited about, and I'll be reading the rest of them this month. I purchased quite a few books this month, too, and I hope to get through some of them in April.
Book stores:
April, I predict, is going to be full of surprises. There are two book events happening this month and I plan on going to both. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is next weekend and the 2nd annual Yall West is at the end of the month. I went last year and got lots of my books signed by some pretty awesome authors. I can't wait to go again! I don't have a set TBR, but like I mentioned earlier, I still have a handful of books to read from NetGalley and I want to get to How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran for the "Our Shared Shelf" book of the month, a book club hosted by the gorgeous Emma Watson on Goodreads. I want to cut down my spending on books for this month because the NFL schedule will be released sometime this month and we want to save up to attend hopefully two games this year. So unfortunately, books will move towards the bottom of my list for a while. Luckily, I do have PLENTY of books to read and to get me through any urge I feel to buy books.
2016 has been very good to me so far, let's hope it continues. Happy April, enjoy the April fool pranks and as always, happy reading! :)