Saturday, April 2, 2016

New Monthly Features

While I was writing yesterday's March Wrap-Up post, I accidentally came up with a new monthly feature I want to introduce into my blog. I'm not sure if other book bloggers do it or if there is a name for it, but I call it "Read It or Leave It". It's pretty self-explanatory but it's basically just stating my favorite book for the month and my least favorite book of the month. If I haven't put a review for said book, I will post the review along with an explanation as to why I liked it or why I didn't like it. And even if I don't like it, I will leave a recommendation for those that may be interested in it, because even if it wasn't my cup of tea, it could be someone else's next favorite book. As they say "one man's trash is another man's treasure", this couldn't be more true for book lovers.

Another minor feature I want to add to my monthly recaps, or wrap-ups, is list a few things I did for that month and maybe list (if I have plans already made) of what will be happening in the following month. After reviewing my wrap-up, I noticed I wrote a huge paragraph recapping the month of March when I just could've simply made a numerical list to make the post look cleaner overall. 

Remember, fellow bookworms, I'm still fairly new to this bookblogging business, so what you may find to be a common sense thing, I am just starting to figure out. I am open to suggestions, comments, advice, etc. on ways to improve my blog or make bookblogging easier, so please, let me know. And I would love to check out other book bloggers' blogs (??) so if you have one, leave your link and I will definitely follow! I will introduce these features next month since I basically did it for March's wrap-up and I don't want to repeat myself. But anyway, Happy Saturday, have a beautiful weekend, and as always happy reading! :)

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