1. Cut down on my TBR.
Every year I buy more than I read. I want to cut down my TBR list by about 25%. I don't know math too well so I don't now if it'll get accomplished, but my goal is too bring down the pile by the end of the year. (Note to self: create a separate category on Goodreads for this specific goal)
2. Read to my kids at night.
I usually am good at this, but with a newborn and my kids getting older and therefor rowdier, it's hard to get them to sit still and listen. I am not a patient person so it's hard for me to read to them if they're not listening. But the bf and I came up with a way I can read to the older ones (who beg me to read to them at night) separately from the smaller ones. Hopefully it'll work. I'm lucky that I was able to instill the love of reading this young and I would feel extremely guilty if it stops because of me.
3. Be more open to different genres.
Like most people, I have a favorite genre (true crime, psychological thrillers) and I read a lot of Young Adult and Chick Lit. Every once in a while, I do pick up something different and am always pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it. And I'm tired of being "pleasantly surprised". I want to have more of an open mind. I've been stuck in the same genres and in my comfort zone. Which brings me to my next goal.
4. Read more classics (total of 5).
I'm not a big fan of classics. Other than poets, I don't read too many authors that have published best selling memoirs and don't know too many of them other than ones I read in high school. So in relation to expanding my reading, I think this will be a perfect excuse to pick up classics.
A few other small but noteworthy goals is my reading challenge. I don't know how much my new Goodreads Reading Challenge will be. I did read 50 this year, somehow I found time, but Fifty seems like a lot only because having kids every day is unpredictable as much it is a routine- it's a paradox when it comes to children. But I do want to read as much, if not more, next year. Also, I went to a few author events this year, and I want to continue that next year. Maybe my kids will enjoy it more, too. Overall, I was more than happy with how my reading went this year. I read a lot of ebooks this year, but bought more physical books. Which doesn't make sense, I know, hence goal #1. Anyway, what are YOUR goals for 2016? Happy New Year and Happy reading! ;)